Saturday, December 26, 2009

Asana Scrapbooking

What is your yoga intention?
You can approach your yoga practice as a 'hobby'. Is it something that feels like a nice physical fitness stretch once a week? Do you see that so many people are 'doing yoga' so there must be something to it? Your teacher tells you this and that, and you follow their lead? All well and good ~ we will never discount getting on the mat and taking time for self.
But you can also approach your yoga practice as an 'education'. Really learn a practice. Come to practice with the right attitude of grace and humility and patience. Note the positive effects of letting the mind and body wrap around new information. This is continuing education for the primary relationship in your life...your body/mind union.

Presto...Astanga For Life!

I obviously believe in this practice, and I hear these words (Astanga for Life) of David Williams in my head, but many students new to Astanga realize quickly: Astanga Yoga For Life, doesn't actually mean you learn it in a month or so and practice it for the rest of your life. This is an ever unfolding practice...while it is a set sequence that you can indeed commit to memory in a short amount of time, this traditional practice has many layers to unravel, to strip away, to uncover...a sense of going deep within self - and for that, we give time for true practice. A truly worthwhile experience of yoga. As Pattabhi Jois said: practice, practice, practice & all will come. What you need for body, for health, for mindset, for life.