After just spending invaluable training time with senior Ashtanga teacher, Tim Miller, there are more than a few quotable quips!
As he has said in the past, "Avoidance is not the answer!" Along with telling us what Guruji used to say, "Breathe, don't fear". Most of us know this practice brings up sO much - physically, mentally, emotionally. Fear is a biggie. Therefore, avoidance might ensue.
With this recent discussion time with Tim, he has a new perfect line: "Fear and Mula bandha cannot co-exist". Totally the truth. Back bending and Inversions are probably the quintessential examples. In fact, fear is most likely what causes you to lose your sense of proprioception (where we are in space)in asana such as inversions and back bends.
Something I just read recently: "Doubt (Fear) kills more dreams, than Failure ever could".