Usually around 9/11 I think of this poem and I read it or recite it. It was from a book of compiled thoughts, meditations, and prayers entitled, "God in the Midst of the City", specifically in memoriam for the attacks on September 11, 2001. But sometimes it crosses my mind other days and moments in the year. It is truly a favorite poem of mine.
Just last week I heard the news that a woman I knew quite well, from a different part of my life a while ago, died within a week of being diagnosed with stomach cancer. Maybe this is a first for me in my life; a woman my age whom I was personally closely connected gone.
Freefall ~ by Mark Nepo
If you have one hour of air
And many hours to go,
You must breathe slowly.
If you have one arm's length
And many things to care for,
You must give freely.
If you have one chance to know God
And many doubts, you must
set your heart on fire.
We are blessed.
Each day is a chance.
We have two arms
Fear wastes air.