Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Here's Where the Mysore Method Differs

Often in life, when someone crashes and burns, they have to step off completely and regroup...from everything, mostly everything that caused the crash and burn or could mess with the crash and burn. Here's where the Mysore method differs.
When things go awry, the practice is still there for you. Maybe in a different capacity. To this I state: Staying away from the mat, does not prepare you for getting back to the mat. The practice is held as a container for your well-being on all levels, mental, physical, emotional. This is not a practice of all or nothing, or building further and further without the option to step back. This is daily practice where students check in with the routine that becomes their gauge for all that is, mind-body. And the look of the practice varies day to day or week to week or season to season and year to year. If there is a crash and burn (or just a paper cut), we can heal with this. And aren't we lucky.
For those of you who have injury or life issues or happenstance that seemingly stop you in your tracks, don't give up the practice. If you cannot understand 'how to' keep doing your practice, schedule a one-to-one session with me as soon as you can. You can heal with this, when done in the right way and with the right intention. Many of you will spend many dollars on 'other' therapies to 'make things right'. You will take time off. Then you will expect to jump back on the practice train right where you left off, but with huge risks. The one-to-one session is priceless, and keeps you on your mat and with us in the shala. And while your practice doesn't miss a beat, you might just heal more efficiently, economically, and with tremendous understanding.
Note that in the Mysore Room there is individual attention given, but this is not the setting for fully figuring out a student's issue and remedy. This is the case for a Private session, giving the matter at hand full attention to help students approach issues mindfully and allow them to work through them with care. As your teacher, I am here to help you with your practice in all times in your life.
Staying away from the mat, does not prepare you for getting back to the mat.