Tuesday, November 3, 2009
CLINIC Astanga 1
'The Daily Minimum' as set by Pattabhi Jois, as told to us by David Williams. 3 Sun Salutation As, 3 Bs, the 3 finishing postures (yogamudrasana, yogasana, utpluthi). The name of the game with Astanga: It's a powerful practice with great health benefits, so let's practice it & be sure to make it feel good! Pay attention to the breath, movements, postures, core-bandhas. It takes time to understand the mechanics & dynamics, but is incredibly worthwhile. Making it a daily practice will allow students access to these elements of Astanga; gaining insight to the mechanics of breath-movement synchronization and the dynamics of vinyasa flow technique. If you are unable to get to a class or have limited time, know the importance of getting on your mat for 15 minutes for the Daily Minimum - move with awareness & breathe like you mean it :) Add in more of the practice if you do have more time, and do as much as feels good. Over time, the focus will come. The ujjayi pranayama will come. The bandhas will come. The strength & flexibility will come. We all know things don't miraculously happen overnight - the practice is a path we set out on, a journey, an exploration - and it is a test of patience and commitment and trust and tradition. It is truly a great tool ~ for mind-body-fitness bar none.