Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Whether Honoring the light in you, or Bowing to the divine in you, Namaste, or the more formal Namaskar, is a salutation - oftentimes a 'hello' or 'goodbye'. In the west, you will find it, hear it, speak it at the end of yoga classes. Recently, the company that makes Manduka yoga mats ran a campaign and presented a collection of what namaste means to individuals, with the notion 'Namaste takes practice. How do you practice it beyond the edges of your mat?'. How can you Feel it, Be it, Share it, See it.
It's just great, and here is one that I really enjoy:
"I practice namaste by talking not texting / loving not lying / caring not swearing / giving not gossiping / blessing not blaming / helping not hurting / serving not stealing / connecting not condemning / and honoring not bothering." ~ Jill L.
Nice to see bits of yamas & niyamas peering out at us :)